Many small business owners facing financial challenges have applied for the EIDL program. As with other SBA loans, the EIDL program isn’t exactly the fastest source of funding. The addition of the CARES Act and expedited processing of loans has made it possible to receive funds faster than ever, but many business owners are still in the dark about when funding will come through.
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May 10, 2022
Filed under: Business Loans, Small Business
Wondering what the difference is between EIDL and PPP loans? Or need help deciding which (or both) type of SBA coronavirus loan your business should apply for? Read on to compare/contrast these two different Small Business Administration loans for small business coronavirus relief and decide which is better for your needs so you can apply for it.
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Jan 7, 2021
Filed under: Business Loans
On December 27, 2020, a new COVID-19 relief package was signed into law. This package allots an additional $284 billion for a second round of PPP funding, allowing business owners to receive a first or second loan. Applications for this round of funding started the week of January 11, 2021, and will continue through March 31, 2021.
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Jan 13, 2021
Filed under: Business Loans, Small Business
Different lenders have different policies, some businesses may face delays, and not every loan timeline will be identical. However, we’ve looked at lender policies, SBA guidelines, and comments and complaints from business owners to help determine the timeline for PPP loans, from the time you submit your application to loan disbursal.
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EIDL disaster loans are an existing SBA disaster loan program, but the US government has recently expanded the program, opening it up to virtually any small business, and added forgivable advances on EIDL loans. The advances, in particular, have gained a lot of interest from small business owners, as these advances do not need to be repaid.
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Apr 13, 2023
Filed under: Business Loans, Small Business
While the CARES Act has many moving pieces and parts, the sections dedicated to protecting small businesses and the people they employ will be a salve amid a tragic month of anxiety. One of the specific offerings in the stimulus package is the Paycheck Protection Program. These loans come with stipulations but are equipped with some generous benefits to help protect payroll. Keep on reading to find out what they might mean for your business.
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Apr 21, 2023
Filed under: Business Loans, Small Business
Sadly, as the global COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc on our world and our institutions strain to cope with it all, scores of businesses are facing the excruciating reality that remaining in operation just isn’t feasible. As terrible as it is, there are steps you need to take to ensure that the pain of closing your business isn’t even more devastating to your employees and your finances than it needs to be.
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Mar 10, 2023
Filed under: Small Business
As a restaurant or retail business owner, pairing with one ore more of these companies can potentially bring in a boon of new revenue. However, with so many choices, are certain services better than others? Let’s take a look at what separates some of the more popular third-party delivery services in the industry, and hopefully, you can decide which one, if any, makes the most sense for your company.
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Jan 23, 2025
Filed under: Restaurant POS
Do you have a plan to deal with a loss of income or pay for utilities that aren’t working? What if you have to temporarily relocate? Read this informative article to learn more about business interruption insurance, including exactly what it covers, how to buy it, and more.
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Aug 30, 2023
Filed under: Business Insurance
The SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL) provides financial assistance to both small businesses and private, nonprofit organizations that are located in a declared disaster area. Coverage depends on the amount of economic injury sustained. That includes things that don’t cause property damage, such as COVID-19, but still result in a massive loss of demand due to circumstances beyond your control or that interrupt your ability to conduct business.
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Aug 18, 2024
Filed under: Business Loans