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The Complete Guide To Cancelling Your First Data Merchant Account & Finding A Better Credit Card Processor

A First Data contract can be hard to cancel right away. The main problem is that it has an early termination fee (ETF), which could get pretty hefty if you cancel at the wrong time. To pay less of the ETF, you might have to wait a few months. But there are other obstacles as well. In this article, we’ll explain how the cancellation process typically works. You’ll still have to read some of that contract, but we’ll help you find the relevant parts more quickly for quick lookups.

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Debit VS Credit Transactions: The Complete Small Business Guide

From a merchant’s standpoint, the difference between a credit and a debit card matters less than it does to the consumer, but the difference is still detectable because the transactions carry different costs. In fact, because a PIN pad is needed to initiate true debit charges, a merchant must buy a point of sale terminal with a PIN pad before true debit charges can be processed. For larger ticket items, a true debit charge can cost the merchant less to process than a credit charge or a credit path debit charge.

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