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What Is Depreciation?
Depreciation is a method of writing off an expense over a period of years rather than all at once with a typical tax deduction. Depreciation is used for purchases and expenses that are considered long-term assets, meaning their usefulness lasts longer than one year.
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Is An ERC Loan Worth It? ERC Loan Advantages & Disadvantages
An ERC refund refers to the employee retention credit that eligible taxpayers can receive from the IRS, while an ERC loan is a type of advance that some companies offer to give employers faster access to their ERC credit.
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How To Calculate The Employee Retention Tax Credit
The ERC is calculated based on the amount of qualified wages paid by eligible employers to their full-time employees in 2020 or certain calendar quarters of 2021.
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Newks Hot Sauce Blasts Into Business As A Pandemic Pivot
Newks Hot Sauce is a pandemic-born business that has found unusual success in tough times. Read more about the Newks story and how owner Jake Newcomb turned a side hustle into a growing business.
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Regular 3508, 3508EZ, or 3508S: Which PPP Forgiveness Form Is Right For My Small Business?
You will need to apply for forgiveness through the lender that serviced your PPP loan, not the SBA itself. To do this, you’ll need to submit one of the three available forgiveness application forms, depending on your circumstances: SBA Form 3508, SBA Form 3508S, or SBA Form 3508EZ.
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What Is An ERC Loan?
The Employee Retention Credit is a refundable tax credit. It is not a loan and does not need to be repaid. However, ERC loans and advances taken from an ERC lender will need to be repaid according to the terms in your contract.
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5 Jobs Most Likely Impacted By The Recession
The average worker may be wondering what kind of impact this recession could have on job security. If you’re a construction worker, auto technician, sales rep, fabricator, or part of middle management, you may want to have a backup plan if things take a turn for the worse, particularly if you live in one of the states hit hardest by recent inflation. Medical professionals, public employees, and truckers have less to worry about.
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The 10 U.S. States Where Inflation Is Hitting Consumers The Hardest
Inflation is taking a big bite out of Americans’ purchasing power, but residents of Southern states may be feeling the hit to their wallets more intensely than elsewhere. Merchant Maverick’s inaugural report, The 10 U.S. States Where Inflation Is Hitting Consumers The Hardest, looks not only at where inflation is rising the fastest, but how much existing factors within a given state may contribute to the stress on a household budget.
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Deddle’s Donuts Is Frying Up Sweet Treats & Success In The Baltimore Area
Merchant Maverick Opportunity Grant winner Robin Holmes of Deddle’s Mini Donuts opened her big pink food truck, as she says, just on faith and research. The big pink Deddle’s food truck is a welcome sight in the Baltimore area, bringing mini donut creations, fried chicken, and a whole lotta heart. Learn how Robin started her business and where it’s going.
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