Credit Card Processing Blog Posts | Page 4

The Complete Guide To Cancelling Your First Data Merchant Account & Finding A Better Credit Card Processor

A First Data contract can be hard to cancel right away. The main problem is that it has an early termination fee (ETF), which could get pretty hefty if you cancel at the wrong time. To pay less of the ETF, you might have to wait a few months. But there are other obstacles as well. In this article, we’ll explain how the cancellation process typically works. You’ll still have to read some of that contract, but we’ll help you find the relevant parts more quickly for quick lookups.

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Jun 12, 2020 Filed under: Credit Card Processing
Payment API

The 8 Best Payment APIs For Small Business Transactions

When you’re ready to dive into the world of credit card APIs, you’ll want to compare and contrast the developer tools provided by payment services providers. It’s important to evaluate them not only by the strength of their API, but also consider more mundane factors, such as how much they cost, the types of transactions they support, and how secure they are.

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Apr 25, 2024 Filed under: Credit Card Processing

The Complete Guide To Credit Card Networks: Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover

If you’re ever curious about what card networks, card associations, or card brands are, and what these entities actually do (other than make you pay fees of various sorts), you’re at the right place. We’ll explain what card networks are, give you a little history about each, and provide a general framework for understanding how they fit into the business of credit card processing.

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Apr 6, 2020 Filed under: Credit Card Processing
Stripe VS Authorize.Net Vertical

Stripe VS Authorize.Net: 2024 Comparison

Both Stripe and Authorize.Net offer a powerful suite of payment services along with robust support for developers who want to integrate their services into their websites. Both also provide excellent support for foreign eCommerce transactions. Evaluating Stripe vs. Authorize.Net comes down to the sheer volume of features vs. flexibility.

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Mar 27, 2024 Filed under: Credit Card Processing, Payment Gateways
Woman reading long term contract.

How To Read, Understand, & Successfully Negotiate A Merchant Agreement For Your Small Business

The processing industry is simply not the sort of place where you can expect everyone to be honest and treat you fairly. People in this business can and will take advantage of you – if you let them. Reading your contract before you sign up is your last line of defense against being stuck in a bad deal. Here are our best tips for reading and understanding your merchant contract.

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Jul 18, 2023 Filed under: Credit Card Processing
Restaurant credit card processing

5 Best Restaurant Credit Card Processing Providers

The process of selecting a payment processor is a daunting, complex one. Read our post for a sense of what to look for when choosing a credit card processor for your restaurant — as well as a snapshot of the processors and POS systems that, we feel, give foodservice businesses the best value for their money.

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Feb 26, 2024 Filed under: Credit Card Processing